It takes a lifetime of care to achieve healthy teeth. Your oral health should always come first because it helps prevent numerous health conditions. In addition, oral health can help manage and prevent other health issues, including diabetes and certain types of cancer. You will enhance your overall well-being by prioritizing your dental health. Keeping your teeth healthy and white involves obtaining the right oral care products, being mindful of your daily behaviors, and seeking regular dental care. You must take the proper steps daily to care for your teeth, even if you have no dental issues. Some of the strategies you can employ to keep your teeth healthy and white include:


Many people avoid flossing because they assume it is enough to brush their teeth. However, flossing is a crucial dental hygiene behavior, removing plaque and food that sticks between the teeth or below the gum line. You could have gum disease or extensive tooth decay if stuck food remains under the gum line. Therefore, you could make a big difference in your dental health by flossing once daily, especially at bedtime.

Plaque that accumulates between your teeth is a host of different dental issues.

  • Tooth decay, also called dental caries, causes decay of your tooth structure.
  • An overall reduction in dental health, which can be portrayed in different ways like pus formation, inability to chew food, and tenderness
  • Periodontitis leads to the damage of structures supporting the teeth like ligaments and
  • Gingivitis is referred to as swelling of the gums, thereby causing bleeding in the gums.
  • Poor dental hygiene can cause severe medical conditions, including preterm labor and cardiac disease.

Flossing is highly recommended for people with tight interdental spacing. The steps for flossing are as follows:

  • Cut 18 inches of floss and tie around one of the middle fingers. Next, tie the remaining floss portion around the opposite hand's finger. Floss tied on the opposite finger will hold the food particles removed during flossing.
  • Hold the dental floss firmly between your thumbs and your fingers, and then direct the floss towards the teeth while rubbing gently. Ensure you do not push the floss directly into the gums
  • Turn the floss around the neck of the tooth to make a C-shaped curve once it is at the gum line. Then, move the floss gently into the region between the teeth and gums.
  • Retain the floss at a firm position against the tooth. Then, gently start rubbing the floss against your teeth gently and gently slide the dental floss away from your gum in rhythmic upward and downward motions.
  • Repeat the procedure for every tooth without leaving aside the last tooth of both lower and upper arches.
  • Dispose of the floss after the procedure. You should never recycle dental floss after using it. Recycling dental floss could reintroduce the bacteria into the gums.

Brushing Your Teeth In The Right Manner

You have probably been brushing your teeth since you were young, but that does not mean you are necessarily doing it in the right way. The American Dental Association highlights the following simple tips that can assist you in brushing your teeth well and effectively:

  • Tilt the brush vertically and make strokes up and down to brush the back of your teeth
  • Position your toothbrush at a 45-degree angle from your gums
  • Brush the ridges, back, and front of each tooth
  • Move your brush back and forth gently across your teeth

Additionally, the ADA advises people to brush their teeth twice daily and replace their toothbrushes every three to four months.

Consider Mouthwash

Most people avoid mouthwash because they have no idea how it works. Typically, mouthwash works in three ways:

  • It remineralizes the teeth
  • It reduces the acid in the mouth
  • It cleans hard-to-brush areas in and around the gums

Mouthwash is helpful in both children and older people, where the ability to floss and brush is not ideal. You could ask your dentist for the best mouthwash recommendations since certain brands suit children and those with sensitive teeth.

Use Electric Toothbrush Instead Of Manual Toothbrush

Unlike manual brushes, electric brushes are more effective because they perfectly remove plaque on the teeth. This keeps gum disease and tooth decay at bay. In addition, when you use an electric brush, its tiny head reaches hard-to-reach regions where the larger manual brush often does not reach. Electric brushes are also easy for anyone to use because they are less-technique-sensitive than manual ones. However, whether you use a manual brush or you currently use an electric toothbrush, you should adhere to the proper dental health routine.

Avoid Enamel Wear

The enamel on your teeth is among the strongest parts of your body. However, if you eat foods with high levels of acid or sugar or brush too hard, you can damage it. Tooth enamel cushions interior sensitive parts of the tooth, so it must remain intact. If you have worn out enamel, you could experience the following symptoms:

  • A yellow coloring of the teeth
  • Pain when eating cold or hot foods
  • An uneven edge on the tooth
  • A shiny surface on your teeth

If you practice the following, you can prevent tooth enamel wear:

  • Having regular checkups with your dentist
  • Flossing
  • Using a soft toothbrush
  • Brushing your teeth gently
  • Cutting back on drinks that are high in acid like fruit juices and soda
  • Chewing sugar-free gum to reduce the acid in your mouth
  • Brushing your teeth twice daily
  • Use toothpaste and mouthwash with fluoride
  • Eating cheese after a meal to balance the acid from the food
  • Drinking water

Visit Your Dentist At Least Twice A Year

Your daily behaviors are essential for your overall oral health. Even if you brush and floss your teeth every day, you must visit your dentist regularly. You should visit your dentist twice a year for checkups and cleanings. A dentist will not only spot potential issues and provide treatment solutions but also remove plaque and look for cavities. Currently, there are dental insurance companies that provide cover for dental checkups. You can take advantage of opportunities like this if you are privileged with insurance cover.

Limit Acidic And Sugary Foods

Generally, sugar in the mouth is converted into acid, eroding your teeth' enamel. Acids in the mouth also cause tooth cavities. Coffee, acidic fruits, and tea can also wear down teeth' enamel. So you only need to be mindful, but you do not necessarily have to do away with these foods.

Remember To Brush Your Tongue

Plaque can build up on your teeth as well as on your tongue. Not only can this cause dental health problems, but it can also cause bad breath. Therefore, you need to brush your tongue gently any time you brush your teeth. There are short-bristled toothbrushes that can assist you in brushing your tongue. The short bristles are at the back of the brush and are made explicitly as tongue scrapers.

Spit After Brushing But Do Not Rinse Your Mouth

Many people often have a habit of gargling and rinsing their teeth right away after brushing. It is a bad habit because it washes off fluoride from the toothpaste, which is meant to protect your teeth during the day. You should spit instead of rinsing your teeth after brushing to avoid washing off the benefits.

Brushing Before Breakfast And Rinse After

Once you wake up in the morning, you should brush your teeth before breakfast. This will protect your teeth before eating because fluoride in the toothpaste is meant for that purpose. Also, eating cereal and juice for breakfast could easily rub the acids and sugars into the enamel while brushing after eating.

Avoid Smoking

In the United States, over half a million people die yearly from tobacco-related products. Yet, smoking is the number one cause of death that can be prevented in the U.S and the entire world. According to the American Dentist Association, oral cancer, periodontal disease, gingival recession, and tooth staining are some of the health issues associated with cigarettes. When you avoid smoking, your dental health and your general quality of life will improve.

Drink More Water

Water is the best beverage for a person’s overall health, including oral health. Dentists recommend that you should drink water after every meal. Water will help clear some of the adverse effects of acidic and sticky foods and beverages in between brushes.

Using Whitening Strips

Whitening strips are common dental products that could assist in removing stains from the teeth and making them white. Most people apply whitening strips directly to their teeth. Although the strips constitute chemicals like carbamide peroxide, the American Dental Association (ADA) assures customers that they are effective and safe only if they have an ADA Seal of Acceptance.

Strips can effectively remove both external and internal stains on teeth. However, when purchasing whitening strips, you must consider the dentist's approval, customer reviews, and ingredients used. You need to look for the strips approved by dental organizations like the ADA Seal of Acceptance. You can also check customers’ online reviews to see what they say about the whitening strip. You should also opt for whitening strips that contain carbamide peroxide.

Taking Care Of Your Toothbrush

To keep your teeth healthy, rinse your toothbrush properly after brushing and store it in the open upright. A moist environment is ideal for microorganisms to thrive on your toothbrush. Sufficient air circulation around the bristles will help your toothbrush dry. Keep an eye out for worn, frayed bristles and replace toothbrushes every three to four months.

Drinking Fluoride Water

Since the 1940s, dentists have known that drinking water containing natural fluoride levels of about one part of fluoride to a million parts can significantly reduce the cases of teeth developing cavities. Fluoride not only protects your teeth from decay but can also prevent some of the effects of tooth decay. As a result of fluoride’s benefits, many people in the United States are currently supplementing their drinking water with fluoride to improve their dental health. However, some people have expressed their fears that there could be a relationship between some types of cancer and fluoridated water, but no studies support the allegations. Tap water can improve your oral health greatly more than bottled water.

Utilizing Hydrogen Peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is mild bleach and is an appropriate tool you can use to whiten your stained teeth. You can attempt brushing with a mixture of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide for one to two minutes twice a day for a week. It is recommended that you only do this occasionally to achieve optimal whitening.

Unfortunately, hydrogen peroxide can increase teeth sensitivity. Therefore, it is not recommendable to be used as a long-term remedy for individuals who already have sensitive teeth. Though many people use hydrogen peroxide for teeth whitening, it can also permanently alter the teeth' structure. The chemicals in hydrogen peroxide could degrade the enamel’s surface stain. If you do not use hydrogen peroxide properly and carefully, these side effects can occur. Generally, altering tooth structure leads to hypersensitivity.

Making Dietary Changes

You can prevent further staining of your teeth by doing away with food that stains the teeth. Beverages and foods that contain tannins like tea and wine can cause teeth staining. Juices, dark sodas, and coffee can also cause teeth staining. If your teeth are colored, you should avoid excessive citrus and soda consumption. Dentists also recommend that you wait for 30 minutes after eating before brushing your teeth.

Types Of Food That Can Whiten And Keep Your Teeth Healthy

The following types of foods have interesting components that can help keep your teeth white and healthy:


Broccoli is an important food that can help you maintain oral health. It reduces bloating in your stomach and reduces mouth inflammation. In addition, the small green leaves on broccoli contain substantial amounts of iron that can polish your teeth, leading to a white smile. When you steam broccoli, it is recommended that you add slices of lemon and sprinkle some salt. When you eat the mixture, you will whiten your teeth over time.


Strawberries are sweet and have malic acid apart from the sweet flavor. Malic acid is a natural component that helps in removing surface tooth discoloration. It is recommended that you eat strawberries with some cheesecake. The malic acid will help in whitening your teeth.

Hard Cheese

Typically, cheese is of great help regarding oral health. This is because hard cheese constitutes high levels of acetic acid and calcium. Acetic acid and calcium are essential for keeping the teeth strong and healthy. Acetic acid also increases saliva production, washing away extra debris between a person's teeth. Therefore, consuming cheese, wine, and some crackers will help your teeth grow strong and healthy.


Celery is not as tasty as many people would prefer, but it could tremendously keep your teeth healthy and sparkling. The crunchy factor of celery is the component that helps scrub your teeth clean. They also assist in eliminating bad breath bacteria in the mouth. You should eat celery with some creamy peanut butter as an afternoon snack to crunch away bad-breath bacteria.

Pineapples And Pawpaw

Pineapples and pawpaw fruits have bromelain and papain enzymes that assist in the whitening of teeth. Solutions containing the two enzymes could provide modest whitening effects. However, there is no clear supporting data to ascertain if bromelain and papain enzymes are effective.

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recognized bromelain as a dietary supplement that can help whiten your teeth. Therefore, if you often include pineapples and pawpaws in your diet, you will notice a significant improvement in the color of your teeth.

What You Reap From Healthy And White Teeth

Having white and healthy teeth boosts your confidence and self-image, which is a significant achievement. Experts have always strived to determine the impact of white and healthy teeth on social and professional environments. When a person meets you for the first time, he/she will notice your smile first. You will no longer have to avoid social gatherings for the fear that people will notice your stained teeth. When you meet friends and family, you can smile at ease, without feeling embarrassed. 

People with healthy and white teeth are considered more attractive. When choosing a partner, most people consider the appearance of the teeth. Persons with white teeth tend to be preferred when given promotions and salary increments. Individuals with whiter teeth have an advantage regardless of whether they are in a professional or social environment.

Find An Experienced Hawthorne Dentist Near Me

One of the leading contributors to healthy and white teeth is regular visits to the dentist. A dentist will clean your teeth regularly and identify dental issues early enough. If you need a reliable dentist in Hawthorne, CA, to help you keep your teeth white and healthy, contact Ganji Dental. Our dentists handle all dental procedures, including cleaning, filling, root canal treatment, and others. Call us at 310-643-8045 and speak to one of our dentists.